Lectionary: 614
Read the Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9
Gospel Summary
Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a mountain. When they arrive at the top, Jesus’ face and clothes are transfigured to be a shining bright light. Then Moses and Elijah appeared, talking with Jesus. Peter suggests that they should put up three tents. While they were there, a cloud came over them. From the cloud came a voice saying that Jesus is God’s Son, and to listen to him. The disciples fell down in fear, but Jesus told them to not be afraid. When they looked up, only Jesus was there.
Reflection for Families
In Old Testament times, mountains were places of prayer and places where God communicated with humans. God revealed Jesus as both God’s Son and as the fulfillment of the law and prophets, which were represented by Moses and Elijah. It is through Jesus that we come to understand God’s love and plan for the world. Jesus’s life, ministry, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension tell us all that God wants to communicate to us. Jesus shared this with Peter, James, and John, so they could share it with others after his death. When we share what we know about Jesus with others, we help others know and experience God’s love.
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Jesus took the disciples to a special place to pray. Take some time to talk about the places where you have experienced God’s love or where Jesus was revealed to you. Consider making a special place in your home where your family can pray. Include a Bible, candle, and images of Jesus. Discuss what each representation of Jesus reveals about God’s love for us. You may wish to also plan a visit to a sacred spot near your home.
Discussion Starters
- A place where I experience God’s presence is …
- Jesus helps me to understand God’s love by…
- I can share the Good News of Jesus with others this week by…