Dec 2017 | Jan 2018 | Feb 2018 | Mar 2018 | Apr 2018 | May 2018
Jun 2018 | Jul 2018 | Aug 2018 | Sep 2018 | Oct 2018 | Nov 2018
December 2017 | Back To Top
1st Sunday of Advent
(December 3, 2017)
Lectionary: 2
Gospel: Mark 13:33-37
Adults: At this time, how faithful do you feel you are to God’s plan for you?
Children: What good thing might God be asking you to do right now?
2nd Sunday of Advent
(December 10, 2017)
Lectionary: 5
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8
Adults: With whom could you be more patient this week, as God has been patient with you?
Children: Whom can you be more patient with?
3rd Sunday of Advent
(December 17, 2017)
Lectionary: 8
Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28
Adults: What work of justice could you do this week to bring someone joy?
Children: What could you do for someone this week to make them happy?
4th Sunday of Advent
(December 24, 2017)
Lectionary: 11
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
Adults: When have you followed the example of Mary and said, “Let it be done to me as you say?
Children: Is there something hard you need to do this week? What might make it easier?
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
(December 25, 2017)
Lectionary: 14 (Mass at Midnight)
Gospel: Luke 2:1-14
Adults: The angels proclaimed the glory of God. How can I proclaim the glory of God to the whole world?
Children: The God-child is born. Do I celebrated his birth or do I pay more attention to my presents?
Lectionary: 16 (Mass during the Day)
Adults: In what ways and to whom can you testify to the light in the coming week?
Children: What can you say or do to share the light of Christ with your parents, friends, classmates, and neighbors?
Feast of the Holy Family
(December 31, 2017)
Lectionary: 17
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
Adults: How do your family members know that you are a compassionate person?
Children: What family member needs your compassion and kindness right now?
January 2018 | Back To Top
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
(January 1, 2018)
Lectionary: 18
Gospel: Luke 2:16-21
Adults: Which of God’s blessing are you most thankful for right now?
Children: What does it mean to you to be a child of God?
Solemnity of the Epiphany
(January 7, 2018)
Lectionary: 20
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
Adults: When have you found the presence of Christ in an unexpected place?
Children: Where and in whom will you look for Jesus this week?
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
(January 8, 2018)
Lectionary: 21
Gospel: Mark 1:7-11
Adults: To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that?
Children: How can you help others feel part of your class’s group’s games and activities?
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(January 14, 2018)
Lectionary: 65
Gospel: John 1:35-42
Adults: What qualities do you have that would cause others to recognize you as a disciple of Jesus?
Children: What does it take to be a follower of Jesus?
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(January 21, 2018)
Lectionary: 68
Gospel: Mark 1:14-20
Adults: What part of your life is Jesus calling you to change right now?
Children: In what way do you think you can be a better follower of Jesus?
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(January 28, 2018)
Lectionary: 71
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28
Adults: What can you tell others about Jesus with the most assurance?
Children: What is the most important thing you would like others to know about Jesus?
February 2018 | Back To Top
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(February 4, 2018)
Lectionary: 74
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
Adults: What can I do to be better prepared to proclaim the Good News with conviction?
Children: How can I share my faith and trust in Jesus with my friends?
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(February 11, 2018)
Lectionary: 77
Gospel: Mark 1:40-45
Adults: Would you have the courage to tell others to do as you do in order to be Christian?
Children: What can you do this week to be an example to others?
Ash Wednesday
(February 14, 2018)
Lectionary: 219
Adults: What good could I do this week without seeking acknowledgement or praise?
Children: What good could I do this week without telling others what I have done?
First Sunday of Lent
(February 18, 2018)
Lectionary: 23
Gospel: Mark 1:12-15
Adults: What daily activities can I do without so that I can use that time to renew myself in Jesus, the Messiah?
Children: What good habit can I work on in order to grow closer to Jesus?
Second Sunday of Lent
(February 25, 2018)
Lectionary: 26
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10
Adults: How deeply do I believe that God is for me, and no one can destroy me?
Children: When you have important choices to make, do you and your family pray to make the right choice?
March 2018 | Back To Top
Third Sunday of Lent
(March 4, 2018)
Lectionary: 29
Gospel: John 2:13-25
Adults: When has the message of the Cross not made any sense to me? When has it?
Children: Which Gospel story fills me with hope? Why?
Fourth Sunday of Lent
(March 11, 2018)
Lectionary: 32
Gospel: John 3:14-21
Adults: Do I see the world as good or evil, and how does my view impact my life?
Children: What are some of the ways that God shows his love for me? How can I show God my love?
Fifth Sunday of Lent
(March 18, 2018)
Lectionary: 35
Gospel: John 12:20-33
Adults: In what ways have I sacrificed my own desires to be of help to others?
Children: How have I given something up to help my family, a classmate, or a friend?
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
(March 25, 2018)
Lectionary: 37/38
Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47
Adults: When have I found it hard to accept God’s will? What helped me to accept God’s will?
Children: When is it hard to obey? Why?
April 2018 | Back To Top
Solemnity of Easter Sunday
(April 1, 2018)
Lectionary: 42
Gospel: John 20:1-9
Adults: Why do I believe that I will live with Christ for all eternity?
Children: Who has helped me believed that I will live with Jesus forever?
Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
(April 8, 2018)
Lectionary: 44
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Adults: What can I do to inspire my family to resemble the first Christians?
Children: What can my family and I do to help others who are in need?
Third Sunday of Easter
(April 15, 2018)
Lectionary: 47
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
Adults: What questions about Jesus still arise?
Children: What question would I ask someone about Jesus appearing to the Apostles?
Fourth Sunday of Easter
(April 22, 2018)
Lectionary: 50
Gospel: John 10:11-18
Adults: Who is shepherding me? Whom have I shepherded?
Children: Who has been like a shepherd to me by his or her example?
Fifth Sunday of Easter
(April 29, 2018)
Lectionary: 53
Gospel: John 15:1-8
Adults: When has God pruned me so that I could grow and give life?
Children: When have I felt good because I did something to help someone?
May 2018 | Back To Top
Sixth Sunday of Easter
(May 6, 2018)
Lectionary: 56
Gospel: John 15:9-17
Adults: How is love of others connected to love of God?
Children: How can I show Jesus’ love to others this week?
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
(May 10 or May 13, 2018)
Lectionary: 58
Gospel: Mark 16:15-20
Adults: How can I continue with the mission of Jesus in the world?
Children: What are some ways I can share the Good News of Jesus with others?
Seventh Sunday of Easter
(May 13, 2018)
Lectionary: 60
Gospel: John 17:11b-19
Adults: Who needs my prayers this week?
Children: Whom can I pray for this week?
Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday
(May 20, 2018)
Lectionary: 62/63
Gospel: John 20:19-23
Adults: When has the Holy Spirit given me the strength to act with courage?
Children: What gifts has the Holy Spirit brought into my life?
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
(May 27, 2018)
Lectionary: 165
Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20
Adults: What can I do to proclaim the Good News of Jesus and help people fall in love with him?
Children: What can I do to be a witness of Jesus and to live as his disciple?
June 2018 | Back To Top
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
(June 3, 2018)
Lectionary: 168
Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26
Adults: Do I see the Eucharist simply as an obligation or as a means of life?
Children: What are some ways that I can prepare to receive Holy Communion?
9th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(Not in 2018)
Lectionary: 86
Gospel: Mark 2:23—3:6
10th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(June 10, 2018)
Lectionary: 89
Gospel: Mark 3:20-35
Adults: In what ways can I widen the circle of my family to include someone in need?
Children: Whom could you invite to share a happy time with your family?
11th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(June 17, 2018)
Lectionary: 92
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34
Adults: What is the “good soil” that allows my faith to grow like a mustard seed?
Children: What can help my faith grow like the mustard seed?
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
(June 24, 2018)
Lectionary: 587
Gospel: Luke 1:57-66, 80
Adults: In what ways do you fulfill your baptismal call to be a prophet, announcing God’s Good News to all?
Children: Why were you given the name you have?
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(Not in 2018)
Lectionary: 95
Gospel: Mark 4:35-41
Adults: When has the Lord calmed the stormy times of my life?
Children: What fear can Jesus help me overcome?
July 2018 | Back To Top
13th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 1, 2018)
Lectionary: 98
Gospel: Mark 5:21-43
Adults: Have I sacrificed something for another person and felt enriched?
Children: Whom can I help with acts of kindness?
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 8, 2018)
Lectionary: 101
Gospel: Mark 6:1-6
Adults: What unavoidable weakness do I struggle to accept in myself?
Children: What do I ask Jesus to make stronger in me?
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 15, 2018)
Lectionary: 104
Gospel: Mark 6:7-13
Adults: What part of the Good News of Jesus Christ can I share this week?
Children: Which of Jesus’s stories can I tell this week?
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 22, 2018)
Lectionary: 107
Gospel: Mark 6:30-34
Adults: What do I do to rest so that I may return to work refreshed?
Children: When will I make time to stop and pray this week?
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 29, 2018)
Lectionary: 110
Gospel: John 6:1-15
Adults: When has a generous gift from someone offered me hope?
Children: What loving gift can I share with someone this week?
August 2018 | Back To Top
18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 5, 2018)
Lectionary: 113
Gospel: John 6:24-35
Adults: When has my faith helped me believe without seeing?
Children: Who helps me believe in things I cannot see?
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 12, 2018)
Lectionary: 116
Gospel: John 6:41-51
Adults: How has the Bread of Life helped me in a difficult situation?
Children: What will I ask Jesus, the Bread of Life, to help me with?
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(August 15, 2018)
Lectionary: 622 (At Mass during the Day)
Gospel: Luke 1:39-56
Adults: What do you trust that God will do for you?
Children: What gift of God makes you happy and joyful?
20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 16, 2018)
Lectionary: 119
Gospel: John 6:51-58
Adults: Does the promise of eternal life affect the way I live today?
Children: Does the promise of living in Heaven with Jesus make a difference in the choices I make?
21st Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 26, 2018)
Lectionary: 122
Gospel: John 6:60-69
Adults: How does the love between a husband and wife help me understand Christ’s relationship to his Church?
Children: What can I do for my family to show them Jesus’ love?
September 2018 | Back To Top
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 2, 2018)
Lectionary: 125
Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Adults: How do I prepare my heart to receive the transformative power of God’s words?
Children: How do I welcome the words of Jesus into my heart?
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 9, 2018)
Lectionary: 128
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37
Adults: When has the Word of God penetrated my heart and given me the courage to preach the Good News?
Children: What does my belief in Jesus mean to me?
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 16, 2018)
Lectionary: 131
Gospel: Mark 8:27-35
Adults: Why should faith always lead to good works?
Children: What good work can I do to show my faith?
25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 23, 2018)
Lectionary: 134
Gospel: Mark 9:30-37
Adults: What proof is there in the world that people don’t accept Jesus’ teaching on power and ambition?
Children: Why is the wanting the things that belong to others wrong?
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 30, 2018)
Lectionary: 137
Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
Adults: What three values motivate me daily? Why?
Children: Do I help people come to know Jesus, or do I keep people away from Jesus?
October 2018 | Back To Top
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 7, 2018)
Lectionary: 140
Gospel: Mark 10:2-16
Adults: What keeps me from embracing the Kingdom of God?
Children: How do I feel when I hear the stories of God’s love?
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 14, 2018)
Lectionary: 143
Gospel: Mark 10:17-30
Adults: How can worldly comforts be barriers to my relationship with God?
Children: Am I willing to share my favorite toy or game with someone?
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 21, 2018)
Lectionary: 146
Gospel: Mark 10:35-45
Adults: How do I feel when I do something good and I am not acknowledged? Why?
Children: Am I willing to help others even if nobody thanks me for it? Why?
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 28, 2018)
Lectionary: 149
Gospel: Mark 10:46-52
Adults: Do I realize that my gratitude can help others to believe?
Children: What do I like most about the story of Bartimaeus? Why?
November 2018 | Back To Top
Solemnity of All Saints
(November 1, 2018)
Lectionary: 667
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12a
Adults: What is the greatest challenge of the Beatitudes for me?
Children: How has God blessed me?
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time
(November 4, 2018)
Lectionary: 152
Gospel: Mark 12:28-34
Adults: Why is love of neighbor as important as love of God?
Children: What are some ways you show that you love God and your neighbor with your whole heart?
32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
(November 11, 2018)
Lectionary: 155
Gospel: Mark 12:38-44
Adults: Have I ever given freely and generously when I have been in need?
Children: What am I willing to share with someone else?
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
(November 18, 2018)
Lectionary: 158
Gospel: Mark 13:24-32
Adults: If I were meeting Jesus tomorrow, what would I do differently?
Children: What can I do to become a better disciple of Jesus?
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
(November 25, 2018)
Lectionary: 161
Gospel: John 18:33b-37
Adults: How is Jesus the King and ruler of my life?
Children: How can I honor Jesus, my King and God?
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