Dec 2019 | Jan 2020 | Feb 2020 | Mar 2020 | Apr 2020 | May 2020
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December 2019 | Back To Top
First Sunday of Advent
(December 1, 2019)
Lectionary: 1
Gospel: Matthew 24:37-44
Adults: What will you do during Advent so that others can see that you have put on the light of Jesus Christ?
Children: What will you do during Advent so that others can see the light of Jesus in you?
Second Sunday of Advent
(December 8, 2019)
Lectionary: 4
Gospel: Matthew 3: 1-12
Adults: What do you need to change so that others can learn from watching you that Christ Jesus walks among us?
Children: What could you do so that others will see in you what it means to follow Jesus?
Third Sunday of Advent
(December 15, 2019)
Lectionary: 7
Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11
Adults: What would Jesus see to praise about you right now?
Children: What good thing have you done so far during Advent to be like Jesus?
Fourth Sunday of Advent
(December 22, 2019)
Lectionary: 12
Gospel: Matthew 1:18-24
Adults: Whom do you find it difficult to welcome in your life? What can you do to overcome that?
Children: What could you do this week to make someone feel welcome, as Joseph welcomed Mary?
Feast of the Holy Family
(December 29, 2019)
Lectionary: 17
Gospel: Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23
Adults: What can you do this week to help someone in your family feel more secure and loved?
Children: What good thing will you do this week to show your love for a parent or grandparent?
January 2020 | Back To Top
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
(January 1, 2020)
Lectionary: 18
Gospel: Luke 2:16-21
Adults: How has God blessed and kept your family? What can you do as a family this week to show your gratitude for these blessings?
Children: When have you felt most blessed by God? What can you do to help someone in your family feel the same way?
Solemnity of the Epiphany
(January 5, 2020)
Lectionary: 20
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
Adults: What insights about your own faith have you gained from learning about other faith traditions?
Children: What could you do to be like a star and lead someone to know about Jesus?
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
(January 12, 2020)
Lectionary: 21
Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17
Adults: What evidence can you offer that you are a faithful servant of the Lord?
Children: When has the Holy Spirit helped you treat someone fairly?
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
(January 19, 2020)
Lectionary: 64
Gospel: John 1:29-34
Adults: When have you been surprised to see goodness that you had overlooked in someone?
Children: Who has surprised you by doing something kind for you when you did not expect it?
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
(January 26, 2020)
Lectionary: 67
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-23
Adults: To whom could you preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ this week with actions rather than with words?
Children: What could you do for someone this week that would tell them something about Jesus?
February 2020 | Back To Top
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
(February 2, 2020)
Lectionary: 524
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
Adults: What are you doing in order to continue to grow strong in faith and wisdom?
Children: Who helps you to grow strong in your faith?
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(February 9, 2020)
Lectionary: 73
Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16
Adults: In what way might you be hiding the light of Christ from others? What could you do to improve this?
Children: How can you let the light of Christ in you shine for others this week?
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(February 16, 2020)
Lectionary: 76
Gospel: Matthew 5:17-37
Adults: When in your life have you been able to keep the spirit as well as the letter of God’s Law?
Children: When have you taken the first step to make up with someone?
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
(February 23, 2020)
Lectionary: 79
Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48
Adults: What is the point of “turning the other cheek” in an argument, and why is it so hard to do so?
Children: When have you or someone you know insisted on “having the last word” in an argument? What happened afterwards?
March 2020 | Back To Top
First Sunday of Lent
(March 1, 2020)
Lectionary: 22
Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11
Adults: What helpful advice could you offer someone faced with a temptation ?
Children: What helps you do the right thing when you want to do something wrong?
Second Sunday of Lent
(March 8, 2020)
Lectionary: 25
Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9
Adults: What difference does your faith in Jesus Christ make in your life?
Children: What does it mean to you to be a holy person?
Third Sunday of Lent
(March 15, 2020)
Lectionary: 28
Gospel: John 4:5-42
Adults: Where have you found a source of “living water” for your own journey of faith?
Children: When has your belief in Jesus helped make you stronger?
Fourth Sunday of Lent
(March 22, 2020)
Lectionary: 31
Gospel: John 9:1-41
Adults: What are you doing in your life right now to move toward light rather than darkness?
Children: How can you let the light of your faith in Jesus shine for others to see?
Fifth Sunday of Lent
(March 29, 2020)
Lectionary: 34
Gospel: John 11:1-45
Adults: How does belief in the final resurrection from the dead affect your family’s daily life?
Children: What do you hope for after your life on Earth is ended?
April 2020 | Back To Top
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
(April 5, 2020)
Lectionary: 38
Gospel: Matthew 26:14-27:66
Adults: How will you try to imitate the obedience and humility of Christ during this Holy Week?
Children: What could you do to show respect for Jesus this week as the Church remembers his Death and Resurrection?
Solemnity of Easter Sunday
(April 12, 2020)
Lectionary: 42
Gospel: John 20:1-9
Adults: How can you show this week that you truly believe in the Resurrection of Jesus?
Children: To whom could you tell the story of Jesus’ rising from the dead?
Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)
(April 19, 2020)
Lectionary: 43
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Adults: What could you do this week to help strengthen the faith of someone who is faltering?
Children: What could you do this week to encourage someone who is sad or discouraged?
Third Sunday of Easter
(April 26, 2020)
Lectionary: 46
Gospel: Luke 24:13-35
Adults: In what way have you come to know Jesus better through the breaking of the bread at Eucharist?
Children: When you join Jesus at the table of the Eucharist next Sunday, what would you like to thank him for?
May 2020 | Back To Top
Fourth Sunday of Easter
(May 3, 2020)
Lectionary: 49
Gospel: John 10:1-10
Adults: How are you a shepherd to those in your care?
Children: What will you do this week to show you are a Christian?
Fifth Sunday of Easter
(May 10, 2020)
Lectionary: 52
Gospel: John 14:1-12
Adults: In a challenge you face right now, what will it mean to live the way of Jesus Christ?
Children: What are some ways you can imitate Jesus when you are on the playground or on a sports team?
Sixth Sunday of Easter
(May 17, 2020)
Lectionary: 55
Gospel: John 14:15-21
Adults: What difficulties have you overcome because of your belief in the power of the Holy Spirit?
Children: When are some times you need the help of the Holy Spirit?
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
(May 21/24, 2020)
Lectionary: 58
Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20
Adults: With whom have you shared the Good News of Jesus in the past month?
Children: What Good News about Jesus could you share with someone?
Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday
(May 31, 2020)
Lectionary: 63 (During the Day)
Gospel: John 20:19-23
Adults: What important work does Jesus ask of you at this time in your life?
Children: How would Jesus want you to treat your family and friends this week?
June 2020 | Back To Top
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
(June 7, 2020)
Lectionary: 164
Gospel: John 3:16-18
Adults: How could God’s mercy and love for the world be revealed through you this week?
Children: Do you know anyone who is sick or feeling badly and with whom you could visit?
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
(June 14, 2020)
Lectionary: 167
Gospel: John 6:51-58
Adults: What does it mean for you right now to be bread for others as Jesus was?
Children: In what ways can Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist help you do good things for others?
Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(June 21, 2020)
Lectionary: 94
Gospel: Matthew 10:26-33
Adults: When has your faith in Jesus been most seriously tested?
Children: What could you do to encourage someone who is feeling hurt?
Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(June 28, 2020)
Lectionary: 97
Gospel: Matthew 10:37-42
Adults: When have you faltered or looked back during your journey of faith?
Children: What can you do to be a stronger follower of Jesus this week?
July 2020 | Back To Top
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 5, 2020)
Lectionary: 100
Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30
Adults: When has Jesus refreshed you when you felt burdened by problems?
Children: What burden do you need Jesus to help you carry?
Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 12, 2020)
Lectionary: 103
Gospel: Matthew 13:1-23
Adults: How do you provide “good soil” for the faith of others to grow?
Children: What are you doing to help the seeds of your faith grow each day?
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 19, 2020)
Lectionary: 106
Gospel: Matthew 13:24-43
Adults: What weakness can the power of the Spirit help you overcome?
Children: When will you need the help of the Holy Spirit this week?
Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(July 26, 2020)
Lectionary: 109
Gospel: Matthew 13:44-52
Adults: What would you be willing to “sell”, or do without, in order to achieve your dreams for yourself or your family?
Children: What good thing do you want so much that you would give up something else to get it?
August 2020 | Back To Top
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 2, 2020)
Lectionary: 112
Gospel: Matthew 14:13-21
Adults: To whom could you bring the assurance of Christ’s love this week?
Children: Do you remember a time when you felt better because someone acted with love?
Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 9, 2020)
Lectionary: 115
Gospel: Matthew 14:22-33
Adults: When have you doubted God’s loving care for you?
Children: What helps you keep trying even when you are afraid?
Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 16, 2020)
Lectionary: 118
Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28
Adults: When has the faith of someone from another race or culture enriched your own faith?
Children: What could you do to help someone of another race or culture feel more welcome in your school or neighborhood?
Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 23, 2020)
Lectionary: 121
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20
Adults: Which Church leader has most influenced your personal faith?
Children: What has your pastor taught you about Jesus?
Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time
(August 30, 2020)
Lectionary: 124
Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27
Adults: What has it meant to you to take up your cross and follow Jesus?
Children: When has it been hard to be a follower of Jesus?
September 2020 | Back To Top
Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 6, 2020)
Lectionary: 127
Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20
Adults: What have you been able to overcome because others patiently loved you?
Children: How can you help another person do the right thing?
Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 13, 2020)
Lectionary: 130
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35
Adults: When someone hurts you, are you more inclined to be just or to be merciful?
Children: When have you forgiven someone who treated you unfairly?
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
(September 14, 2020)
Lectionary: 638
Gospel: John 3:13-17
Adults: What does the hope and promise of eternal life mean to you?
Children: What are ways God shows us his great love for us?
Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 20, 2020)
Lectionary: 133
Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16a
Adults: Which has deepened your faith more – being treated justly or being treated with love and care? Who needs you to treat them with care this week?
Children: When have you been very fair? When have you been very generous? Which felt better?
Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(September 27, 2020)
Lectionary: 136
Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32
Adults: When have your actions not measured up to your promises? What was the outcome?
Children: Why is it important to follow through on your promises to others?
October 2020 | Back To Top
Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 4, 2020)
Lectionary: 139
Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43
Adults: What would your reaction be if you found that someone you thought you could trust was taking money from you without your knowledge? How would you handle the situation?
Children: What would you do if you found out that a friend had not been loyal to you?
Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 11, 2020)
Lectionary: 142
Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14
Adults: What will you do this week to show God that you understand the relationship between faith and works?
Children: What three things can you do this week to show that you are a follower of Jesus?
Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 18, 2020)
Lectionary: 145
Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21
Adults: How much responsibility do you feel the government should take for meeting the needs of the less fortunate in our society? How willing are you to contribute?
Children: Who needs help in your neighborhood or community? What could you and your family do to help?
Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
(October 25, 2020)
Lectionary: 148
Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40
Adults: In a practical sense, what is one thing that would change your life if you loved your neighbor as yourself?
Children: Why is it hard sometimes to love your neighbor? How can you do a better job of following Jesus’ Commandment?
November 2020 | Back To Top
The Solemnity of All Saints
(November 1, 2020)
Lectionary: 667
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12a
Adults: How have you been blessed by the saints in your life?
Children: What special thanks do you have for your patron saint?
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day)
(November 2, 2020)
Lectionary: 668
Gospel: John 6:37-40
Adults: When does your self-will get in the way of honoring God’s will for your life?
Children: What do you say and do to show others that you believe in Jesus, the Son of God?
Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time
(November 8, 2020)
Lectionary: 154
Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13
Adults: When have you regretted that you did not look ahead and foresee the consequences of an action?
Children: Is there something coming up this week that you could be better prepared for? What might happen if you do not prepare?
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
(November 9, 2020)
Lectionary: 671
Gospel: John 2:13-22
Adults: Would family members, friends, and coworkers describe you as a holy person? Why or why not?
Children: What things can you do to grow in holiness?
Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
(November 15, 2020)
Lectionary: 157
Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30
Adults: What gift haven’t you developed as you had hoped? What could you still do?
Children: What gift has God given you? What do you want to do with it?
Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
(November 22, 2020)
Lectionary: 160
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Adults: If you were to be judged today by God, what would be your greatest regret? What is one thing you could do to change that?
Children: To which person did you especially try to show Jesus’ love and care this past week?
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