Primary Session
Mark 9:2-10
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Glorious God,
You remind us everyday that the Kingdom of God is here now. Help us remember to act in a way that is like the Kingdom. Let our friends see the Kingdom in our actions. We pray this through the transfigured Christ. Amen.
Opening Life Reflection
Show a preview portion of a popular children’s video. Share ideas about the preview and what makes you want to see the movie.
Listening to the Word of God
Find out what happened to Jesus when he and his friends went to the mountaintop.
Read Mark 9:2-10
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
• Which disciples did Jesus take with him to the mountaintop?
• What happened while they were on the mountain?
• What did the disciples learn from this experience?
Scripture Background
High on a mountaintop, Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James and John. He becomes whiter and brighter than anything possible on earth. At the same time Moses and Elijah appear. While the disciples are fascinated by this occurrence, they are also frightened. Peter, still thinking “earth,” wants to build three tents: one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah. Besides these things that the disciples witnessed they also saw a cloud from which God’s voice came announcing Jesus as Son and commanding the disciples to listen to him. The disciples did not understand initially, but this transfiguration was a glimpse of what was to come for Jesus and all of us in God’s Kingdom.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
• Why do you think Jesus wanted to take his three closest friends to the mountaintop?
• What do you think Jesus wants us to understand from this experience?
• How can you show someone God’s Glory through your own actions?
[If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.]
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
God’s Revelation to Us
God is revealed to us through Jesus. The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus Christ alone offers the fullness of God’s revelation to us. Surely we know God’s love for each of us through Jesus’ life, his teachings, suffering, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. It is through scripture and tradition that God’s love and plan for us are revealed. God has told us, through Jesus, all that we need to know to share in God’s Kingdom when Jesus returns to the world.
• How do we know, through Jesus, that God loves us?
• What do we need to do in order to share in God’s Kingdom?
• How has God been revealed to you?
Sacrament Connection
The celebration of the Eucharist makes present the once and for all sacrifice of Christ. In the Eucharist we celebrate the memorial of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection, become real and present in the celebration of the Eucharist.
The Gospel in Life
What will you do this week to show someone in darkness the dazzling light of Christ?