Lectionary: 89B
Read: Mark 3:20-35
Gospel Summary
Jesus was a troubling and upsetting figure for many, including those in his own family. His preaching and healing caused people to question the origin of his authority and his sanity. In today’s Gospel, Jesus addresses those who think that he is possessed by the devil. He challenges them to seek forgiveness and cautions them regarding blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. At the conclusion of the Gospel, Jesus makes it clear that his family includes all who do the will of God.
Reflection for Parents
In Baptism we become members of God’s family, the adopted daughters and sons of God. In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that in order to be members of his family we must do the will of God. Take time today to think and pray about the will of God for your life. Are you doing, or fulfilling, that will? How would you define the will of God for your family? What can you do to teach your children and guide your family to do the will of God?
Bringing the Good News Into Your Family
Divide a large sheet of paper or a piece of poster board into two columns. Label the columns “Favorite Stories” and “Lessons Learned.” Invite family members to name their favorite stories about Jesus. Write the names of those stories in the left-hand column. Review the list, and challenge your family to think of at least one message or life lesson that each story teaches. For example, the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan is to help those in need. After you have listed the messages or life lessons, explain that each is an example of doing the will of God. Invite your family to choose one message or life lesson to put into action in the coming week. Make a specific plan to do so, and at the end of the week talk about your experience of doing the will of God.
Discussion Starters
- If everyone who does the will of God is part of Jesus’ family, then our family includes . . .
- Someone I know who does the will of God is . . .
- I can do the will of God every day by . . .