Lectionary: 162
Read the Gospel: Luke 23:35-43
Gospel Summary
Associated with Jesus’ passion, today’s Gospel brings us to the scene of the crucifixion. Jesus, on his own cross, is flanked by thieves on either side. One of the thieves jeers and taunts Jesus calling him a king and wondering why a king cannot save himself and them as well. Jesus responds telling the thief that his royalty is not like that of earthly kingdoms. He has no material wealth or armies. The second thief asks Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. We know today that he is with Jesus in heaven.
Reflection for Families
Today’s children are not considered outcasts, but if you ask most children, they’ll tell you they don’t think adults really value their opinion. Jesus always reached out to the people that society generally found unimportant and that is a good thing for us to remember as parents. Even while he hung on the cross, Jesus preached the Good News to the criminals hanging with him. Sometimes we find ourselves living, witnessing, and teaching the Gospel message to our children even when the majority view is different. Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel give us the courage to share our faith with our children even when society doesn’t count their input for much and even when the Gospel message is not the majority viewpoint.
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Share ideas with one another about what a king is. What does a king do? What might his responsibilities be? How would a king care for his people? Consider the ideas shared by your family and see how they fit the image of Jesus as King. How are they different?
Discussion Starters
- The Kingdom of God grows in me because . . .
- I think God’s kingdom . . .
- I know the Gospel message runs counter to society when . . .