Lectionary: 59
Read: John 17: 1-11a
Gospel Summary
In John's Gospel, Jesus gives many instructions to his disciples following the Last Supper they share together. Moments before their time in Gethsemane, Jesus lifts his eyes in a prayer sometimes called the Priestly Prayer. Jesus makes clear in the prayer that he knows his time on earth is coming to an end. He has done the work God sent him to do and in the prayer, Jesus asks God to glorify him. In glory, Jesus will return to God. However, that glory can only come after the cross. The cross exposes what people did to Jesus, but the resurrection reveals what God did for him. It is only through Jesus and his death and resurrection that we can know the love God has for us. Jesus also asked God to strengthen the disciples. Since Jesus would return to the Father, his mission and message must now be entrusted to the disciples. Jesus asks God to protect and unite them.
Reflection for Families
As a family, think of the many people who know God's love through Jesus. These may be people you know personally or people you have heard about. Perhaps there are people in your parish who were baptized at the Easter Vigil or received other sacraments during the Easter Season. You may know a neighbor, co-worker, or classmate who has witnessed God's love through the kindness of another. Talk about ways God's love has strengthened others and then consider ways in which God's love has strengthened the members of your own family. Are there ways your family can grow even stronger through God's love?
Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family
As followers of Jesus, we belong to God and will share in Jesus' glory. Think of a way to share that Good News with someone today. Who do you know who may be down or discouraged right now? Maybe you know someone who needs special prayers--pray for them; or send them a note or card for extra encouragement; or do an act of service. Be sure every member of your family is included in this mission.
Discussion Starters
1. 1. I know I am one with Jesus when...
2. 2. Like he promised the disciples, I know Jesus is with me. I knew this for sure when . . .
3. 3. One person in my life who is a sign of God's love is . . .
Connection to Faith First© Legacy Edition
Kindergarten, chapter 15
Grade 1, chapter 8, and page 279 school edition and page 383 parish edition
Grade 2, chapter 10, and page 279 school edition and page 383 parish edition
Grade 3, chapter 8, and page 279 school edition and page 383 parish edition
Grade 4, chapter 10, and page 279 school edition and page 383 parish edition
Grade 5, chapter 3, and page 279 school edition and page 383 parish edition
Grade 6, chapter 7, and page 279 school edition and page 383 parish edition
Junior High, Church History, chapters 2 and 9