Lectionary: 65
Read the Gospel: John 1:35-42
Gospel Summary
In today’s Gospel Jesus begins to call his disciples. The first two to be called were disciples of John, who pointed out to them that Jesus was the Lamb of God. Andrew, one of the two, then brought his brother Simon to Jesus, saying that Jesus was the Messiah. Those who responded to Jesus’ call sensed that there was something different about this Teacher, though they did not yet understand what following him would require of them.
Reflection for Parents
We can sense the excitement of those first disciples when they saw Jesus and received Jesus’ invitation to follow him. They literally stopped what they were doing and followed him, inviting others to join them along the way. Today is a good day to think about our own level of excitement when we hear the words of Jesus spoken in the Gospels or see him in others around us. Do we share enthusiasm for our faith in Jesus with our children? Do we, through our words and actions, lead them to him? How so?
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Invite family members to help each other trace their footprints onto colored construction paper. Have each family member write or draw on each footprint one way he or she follows Jesus. Give family members time to share with each other what they have written or drawn. Cut out the footprints and display them on the refrigerator or in a place where all family members will see them. Title your display “Our Family Follows Jesus.”
Discussion Starters
In today’s Gospel, Andrew brings his brother Simon to Jesus. For today’s discussion, invite family members to think about people they know whom they would like to bring to Jesus in prayer. For example, perhaps you want to bring to Jesus a neighbor who is ill, a classmate whom no one likes, or a friend whose parents are getting a divorce. Write each name on a slip of paper, and place the papers in a small basket or bowl. Conclude by inviting family members to draw one name at a time and to read the name, inviting all to respond, “Lord, we bring (him/her) to you. Lord, hear our prayer.”