Junior High Session
Genesis 12:1-4
Matthew 17:1-9
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
O God, transform us into faithful followers of Christ.
Help us hear and answer your call.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
Opening Life Reflection
On this Second Sunday of Lent we listen to God’s call to transform our lives. To begin, invite the youngsters to examine their listening skills. Divide the group into pairs and have each pair tell their partner three things that are unique about themselves. Then have the partners repeat back to each other what they heard. Discuss:
- What does it mean to be a good listener?
- What gets in the way of good listening?
- How can we listen to the voice of God?
Allow time for discussion. During the season of Lent we listen for God’s voice. We prepare ourselves to be transformed by God.
Listening to the Word of God
In the Old Testament Abraham and Sarah listen to God’s call. Listen to find out about God’s promise.
Read Genesis 12:1-4.
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- What does the Lord say to Abraham?
- What does Abraham do?
- What does God promise Abraham?
In the Gospel listen to what happens when the disciples see Jesus in all his glory.
Read Matthew 17:1-9
Allow for silence.
- Where does Jesus take Peter, James, and John?
- What happens to Jesus on the mountaintop?
- Who appears to Jesus and the disciples?
- What does the voice of God say?
- What do the disciples do when they hear the voice of God?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the readings using the Catechist Background section.
In the Old Testament reading today we hear the story of Abraham’s call. God calls Abraham to a relationship of love and faithfulness. Abraham listens and obeys God’s call. In this passage, Abraham is called to a life lived in covenanted relationship with the Lord. The promise of the Lord is that he will bless Abraham and his descendants forever.
The scene from today’s Gospel is a mountaintop where Jesus is brilliantly transformed before his disciples. The transfiguration of Jesus reveals Jesus’ divinity. The dazzling image of Jesus on the mountaintop gives the disciples a glimpse of the promised glory that awaits all those who share in the life of Christ. Sharing in Christ’s life includes sharing in his suffering. The brilliant vision of Jesus transfigured gives the disciples encouragement to face the struggles that lie ahead.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- When have you found it difficult to follow Jesus?
- When have you experienced a powerful moment with God?
- How does the transfiguration of Jesus relate to your baptism?
[If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.]
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
Christ, Our Hope of Glory
As human beings we are drawn to the glory of God. God alone is holy. And yet, humans can participate in the holiness of God. The path to holiness in a person’s life begins with wonder and awe. Our reverence for God increases, as we become more aware of the greatness of God our Creator.
In today’s Gospel depicting the transfiguration, the disciples lower their heads in awe of the divine. When they hear the voice of God they fall forward, hiding their faces. Jesus tells the disciples not to be afraid. Like the first disciples, all Christians are called to listen for God’s voice and respond without fear. When we open our hearts to God’s call, we are transformed by divine grace.
- Why are people drawn to God?
- What does it mean to have reverence for God?
- How does God’s grace help us to be holy?
The Gospel in Life
How will you listen for God’s voice in your life this Lent?
Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, theme 26
Junior high, Mystery of god, chapter 7