Primary Session
Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Come, Lord Jesus, be born once again in our hearts.
In the name of Jesus our Lord we pray,
Opening Life Reflection
The first Sunday of Advent is a wonderful time to connect the excitement and anticipation of Christmas with the true meaning of the holiday. The Second Coming of the Lord is our theme for today. Use the following activity to help the children take the next few weeks to get ready for the coming of Jesus.
Make a Manger with hay. Provide a small box for each child and a bag of straw, hay or cut pieces of raffia. Provide markers, stickers, etc. and allow the children to decorate their manger. Ask the children to wait for direction before putting the pieces of straw in the manger.
Explain to the children that each time they do something helpful and good they can put one piece of straw into the manger. This will help them get ready for the coming of Jesus. They can bring the manger and straw home so that they can have it ready for Jesus by Christmas day. Suggest that they can use a small doll or make a baby Jesus at home with their family. Discuss:
- What are some good and helpful things that you can do to get ready for the coming of Jesus?
Have each of the children put a piece of straw in their manger for coming to today’s session.
The season of Advent offers time to get ready to celebrate the coming of Jesus. Not only do we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus long ago, we also look forward to the Second Coming of Jesus when the fullness of the kingdom of God will come to earth.
Listening to the Word of God
The gospel reading today tells us to stay alert and be ready. Listen to find out what we are getting ready for.
Read Luke 21:25-28, 34-36.
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- Where will there be signs that Jesus is coming?
- What will happen when Jesus comes?
- What do we need to do in order to be ready for the coming of Jesus?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the gospel using the Catechist Background section.
The gospel today tells us how to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. Be on guard. In all our actions we ought to think of what is best for God, others and ourselves. Be alert. Remember to put God first before all things. Be prayerful. Spend time in prayer and conversation with Jesus.
On this First Sunday of Advent we are reminded to look forward to the Second Coming of Christ with excitement and hope. The season of Advent provides time for us to reflect on how we are getting ready for the coming of Christ.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- What do you and your family do to get ready to celebrate Christmas?
- How can you get ready for the Second Coming of Jesus this season?
If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
“He will come again in glory.”
Our doctrinal focus for today the First Sunday of Advent comes from our Profession of Faith (Nicene Creed) which states that Christ will come again in glory. The kingdom of God that Jesus established on earth is here with us but it is not here completely. This is made evident wherever evil and suffering exists in the world. We look forward to the end of time, when Christ will come again in glory to put an end to all evil and suffering bring the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth.
During the season of Advent we look forward to the end of time when the reign of God will be fully established on earth. Catholics believe that we have a responsibility to work for justice and peace at the present time in cooperation with the grace of God in order to help bring about the kingdom of God.
- What do you think it will be like when the kingdom of God is fully established on earth?
- Where do you see the peace and love of Christ in the world around you?
- How can you bring the peace and love of Jesus into the world around you?
The Gospel in Life
Bring your manger activity home and put a piece of straw into the manger each time you do something good or helpful at home, in school, with friends and in your community. This activity also helps you to be alert and ready for the Second Coming of Jesus.