Lectionary: 35
Read the Gospel: John 12:20-33
Gospel Summary
In today’s Gospel, Jesus announces, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” But this glorification will take place only after his suffering and Death on the Cross. Jesus uses the example of a grain of wheat that only produces fruit when it falls to the ground and dies. He promises that those who die to themselves by serving him will know the reward of eternal life.
Reflection for Parents
Draw a timeline of your life in five- or ten-year increments (from birth to age ten, from age ten to age twenty, from age twenty to age thirty, and so forth). Leave room on the timeline to note any experiences of suffering, pain, and sorrow that you recall. Perhaps one of your parents died at a young age, a favorite pet died, your childhood friend moved away, or you lost your job.
After you complete your timeline, review it again and note the good that came after the times of suffering. Consider that two of the most important and most valuable lessons you can teach your children are to let go and to trust that good will come after or as a result of what may seem too difficult to bear.
Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family
Talk about recent or well-known news stories highlighting those who gave their lives so that others might live. Older family members will recall 9/11, and younger children may remember special collections they took part in for victims of hurricanes, fires, floods, and other natural disasters.
Go to organdonor.gov to find facts, inspiring real-life stories, and educational tools useful for talking with your family about the ways organ donors give of their lives so that others might live. Encourage family members age eighteen and older to register to be organ donors.
Pray for all who have given their lives so that others might live.
Discussion Starters
1. A time of suffering, pain, and sorrow in my life was when...
2. As I look back on that time today, I feel...
3. A time in my life when something good came out of something awful was...
4. When I think of those who give thier lives for others, I think of... because...