Click on a link below to view or download a printable PDF… Year A Year B Year C 1-4 Advent, Holy Family, Mother of God, Epiphany, Baptism of Lord, 2-8 Ordinary Time 1-4 Advent, Immaculate Conception, Guadalupe, Holy Family, Mother of God, Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord, 2-6 Ordinary Time 1- 4 Advent, Immaculate Conception, Guadalupe, Holy Family, Mother of God, Epiphany, Baptism of Lord, 2-5 Ordinary Time 1-5 Lent, Palm Sunday, 1-6 Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Body and Blood of Christ 1-5 Lent, Palm Sunday, 1-6 Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Body and Blood of Christ 1- 5 Lent, Palm Sunday, 1-6 Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Body and Blood of Christ 12th Sun in Ordinary Time through Christ the King 10-33 Sundays in Ordinary Time, Assumption, All Saints, Christ the King 10-19 Ordinary Time, Assumption, 20-21 Ordinary Time 22-30 Ordinary Time, All Saints, 31-33 Ordinary Time, Christ the King Every effort was made to correlate Be My Disciples with the Sunday or feast day Gospel reading. In some cases the strongest correlation is with the First or Second Reading or the Responsorial Psalm. For your convenience, the correlation lists the readings used and the biblical citations. Additional connections are also offered to We Celebrate the Church Year (WCCY), Catholic Prayers and Practices (CPP), We Celebrate the Mass (WCM), and Key Teachings of the Church (KT).