Intermediate Session
Wisdom 9:13-18b
Luke 14:25-33
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Loving God,
our lives are in your hands.
Thank you for your tender loving care.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
Opening Life Reflection
The theme for today is turning our lives over to God. Begin the session with a kite making activity. Cut a large triangular shape for a kite out of a large sheet of paper. Punch a hole in the bottom of the kite and tie a long string for a tail through the hole. Provide the children with crayons and strips of paper. Explain to the children that the kite symbolizes the flight of our concerns when we take them to God. Have each child think of one concern that they have at this moment. Invite them to take a crayon and write their concern on a strip of paper. Then, have the children bring their strips of paper forward and attach them to the tail of the kite. Discuss:
- Do you give God your cares and concerns?
- Why does God want to take care of your problems?
- How does it feel to know that your life is in God’s hands?
Listening to the Word of God
In the Old Testament reading listen to hear about God’s gift of wisdom.
Read Wisdom 9:13-18b.
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- What help does wisdom give?
- How does the Holy Spirit provide help?
- What gift from God saves the people?
In today’s Gospel listen to Jesus tell his followers to put everything in God’s hands.
Read Luke 14:25-33.
Allow for silence.
- What does Jesus tell the crowds?
- What will happen to those who do not carry the cross?
- What does Jesus tell his followers that they will need to give up?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the readings.
Today’s Old Testament reading points out what is truly important in life. The message is clear—put God first.
Throughout the ages people have prayed for wisdom and searched for the meaning of life. Today’s first reading stresses that wisdom comes from God. Many obstacles can get in the way of wisdom, but the Holy Spirit provides guidance and direction.
In today’s gospel Jesus tells his followers that whoever follows him will need to put God first before all else. Jesus stresses that living for the kingdom of God must come before family, friends, and even life itself.
The gospel reminds us that following Jesus is not without cost. A disciple must be ready to give up everything for God. The good news is that by turning our lives over to God, we gain life, love and freedom.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- How can you put God first in your life?
- What do you have that would be hard to give up?
- How can things we have keep us from loving God?
[If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.]
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
Self-Renunciation as Requirement for Discipleship
Jesus tells us that in order to follow him we must give up everything. Jesus modeled this kind of self-emptying when he obeyed his heavenly Father to the point of suffering and dying upon the cross.
Putting the kingdom of God first and turning our lives over to God is a life-long spiritual process. As we grow in faith we begin to understand that God wants what is best for us. Growing in trust helps us to give our lives over to God.
When we get too attached to other people or to material things we can forget that God comes first. When we put God first, we are freer to love God and one another.
- Why does God want what is best for us?
- How does Jesus show us how to live?
- What helps you remember to put God first?
The Gospel in Life
How will you place your concerns into God’s hands this week?
Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, theme 20
Grade 5, chapter 4
Grade 6, chapter 16