Intermediate Session
1 Kings 17:17-24
Luke 7:11-17
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
O God, you created us with bodies
so that we can praise you and show your love to others.
Help us to honor you in the way we use our bodies.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
Opening Life Reflection
The focus for today’s session is resurrection of the body. Begin by inviting the young people to brainstorm ways that we can use our bodies to do good and ways we can use our bodies to do harm. Write their responses on a flip chart or whiteboard in two lists. Discuss:
- Why do we have bodies?
- God created our bodies. What does God want us to do with our bodies?
- How can we use our bodies to show God’s love to others?
Allow time for discussion. God created us with a body and a soul. He wants us to learn and grow. He also wants us to be protected and safe, and to care for one another. We can use our bodies to show God’s love by helping and caring for one another.
Listening to the Word of God
In this First Reading from the Old Testament, listen to how the prophet shows the power of God.
Read 1 Kings 17:17-24.
Allow for silent reflection.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- What does Elijah ask God?
- What happens when God hears Elijah’s prayer?
- What is the widow’s response?
In the Gospel, listen to how Jesus miraculously shows God’s love.
Read Luke 7:11-17.
Allow for silent reflection.
- How did Jesus feel when he saw the woman crying?
- What did Jesus do for the woman?
- How did the people respond to the miracle?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the readings.
In the First Reading from the Old Testament, Elijah is running away from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, who want to kill him. The widow allows Elijah to stay at her house, but then her son becomes sick and dies. At first the widow believes this has happened because Elijah is in her house. After Elijah prays and God revives her son, the widow recognizes the power of God working through the prophet Elijah.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sees a woman who is on her way to bury her son. The Bible tells us that the woman is, like the woman in the First Reading, a widow. Because both her husband and her son have died, she is alone. Jesus sees her sadness and is filled with compassion for her. Out of great love for her, Jesus brings her son back to life. The people gathered there recognize that only God is powerful enough to restore someone to life.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- How is the power of God’s love revealed in both of these stories?
- In what ways can we show God’s love, especially to those who are alone or sad?
- How do you recognize God’s love and power around you?
[If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.]
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
Resurrection of the Body
The Church teaches that God created each of us with both a body and a soul. Through our bodies and souls we are able to praise God and share God’s love. When we help others in need or give encouragement, we share God’s love.
Because God created us with bodies, the Church teaches that, at the end of the world, our bodies will be resurrected – restored to new life. By our Baptism, we share life in Christ. That life does not end with physical death. Our bodies and souls will have eternal life with Jesus. God’s love for us is so powerful it cannot be ended, even by death.
God created our bodies. We are to respect our bodies and the bodies of others, especially those who are suffering.
The Gospel in Life
Use your body this week to honor God. Use your body to pray, help others, give encouragement, and show love.