Primary Session
Matthew 13:44-52 [or short form 13:44-46
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Thank you God for your love and care.
We are happy to be your special catch.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
Opening Life Reflection
The theme for today is the Kingdom of God. To begin, provide each child with scissors, crayons, and an outline of a fish to cut out. Invite the children to put their name on the fish and cut it out. Put a net in the center of the room and invite the children to come forward and place their fish in the net. Explain that all children are special to God. We are God’s special catch because God loves us. Discuss:
- How does God care for the fish of the sea?
- How does God care for us?
- Why are we God’s special catch?
Allow time for discussion. God cares for all of creation. The Kingdom of God is where people live in peace and happiness with God, one another, and all of God’s creation.
Listening to the Word of God
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells as story about a net being thrown into the sea and catching all sorts of fish. Listen to find out what Jesus’ stories teach about the Kingdom of God.
Read Matthew 13:44-52 [or short form 13:44-46.
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- Why does Jesus tell three stories?
- What do the first two stories teach about?
- What does the story of the fish teach about the end of time?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the gospel using the Catechist Background section.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells three stories to teach about the Kingdom of God. In the first parable, the man who finds the buried treasure must be willing to risk everything he has. The second story of the pearl is similar, but it is not a poor man but a rich man who seeks the treasure. This shows that God’s kingdom is available to everyone, rich and poor alike. The first two parables teach that the kingdom of God is so valuable that one must risk everything for it. The result is complete joy in finding what is most important in life.
In the final story of the fishermen catching all sorts of fish, we find that the unjust and the just are together in the net. This parable teaches that God’s kingdom is open to rich and poor, good and bad; but at the end there will be a sorting out of those who are unworthy and those who are just.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- What does Jesus teach about the Kingdom of God?
- How is the Kingdom of God like a treasure?
- Why is God’s kingdom open to all people?
[If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to theGospel in Life.]
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God is people living in peace and happiness with God, one another, and all of God’s creation. Jesus wants us to live in happiness with God forever. Throughout his life, Jesus told stories to teach about the kingdom of God. We call these stories parables.
The Church understands that Jesus showed the world God’s saving love. He preached about the Kingdom of God and he worked many miracles. Although Jesus brought about the Kingdom of God and the kingdom is here now among us, it is not here in full. It will come about in full when Jesus comes again at the end of time. The way we live our lives here on earth can help bring about God’s kingdom. When we spread God’s love by working for peace, and helping the poor and needy, we prepare for God’s kingdom.
- How does Jesus want us to live?
- What is the Kingdom of God?
- How can we help to spread God’s love?
Correlation to Faith First©
Grade 1 Chapter 8, pp. 70-71
Grade 2 Chapter 22, pp. 224-225
Grade 3 Chapter 5, pp. 54-55
The Gospel in Life
This week talk with your family about how you can help the poor in your community.