Primary Session
Matthew 24:37-44
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Dear Jesus,
during the season of Advent, make our hearts ready to welcome you.
We pray in the name of Christ our Lord.
Opening Life Reflection
The theme for this first Sunday of Advent is getting ready for the Second Coming of Jesus. To begin invite the children to create banners that say, “Stay Awake– Be Ready–Jesus is Coming Soon.” Provide squares of felt material and glue. Cut letters out of felt ahead of time and have them available for the children to use. When completed, hang the banners around the room. Discuss:
- How do you prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birthday at Christmas?
- How can we get our hearts ready to welcome Jesus?
- Why do we look forward to Jesus’ coming again?
Allow time for discussion. During the season of Advent we prepare for the coming of Jesus. We get our hearts ready to welcome Jesus.
Listening to the Word of God
In the gospel today listen to find out about the Second Coming of the Lord.
Read Matthew 24:37-44.
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- Why do we get ready for the Second Coming of Jesus?
- On what day is the Lord coming?
- What will happen when Jesus comes again?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the gospel.
In today’s gospel we hear that now is the time to get ready for the Second Coming of Jesus. We get ready by praying, by being kind and by doing good things. Now is the time to live as true followers of Jesus because some day Jesus will return.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- How does the Church help you prepare for the coming of Jesus?
- When is the time to follow Jesus?
- How can you get ready to welcome Jesus?
[If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life]
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
The Second Coming of Christ
The season of Advent helps us look forward to the coming of Jesus with joyful hope. In Advent we get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus and we look forward to the end of time when Jesus will come in glory to judge the living and the dead.
The Church helps us prepare for the coming of Jesus. We are reminded to pray and help others who need our help. The way we live our lives here and now has consequences in the hereafter. During Advent we spend our days preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus. While no one knows the day or the hour, the Lord is coming soon.
- What does the season of Advent help us get ready for?
- Who are some people that help you prepare for the coming of Jesus?
- How does celebrating the season of Advent help us live as followers of Jesus?
The Gospel in Life
What can you do this week to get ready for the coming of Jesus?