Primary Session
John 20:1-9
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
God of Life,
Thank you for Easter, and the gift of new life.
Thank you for raising Jesus from the dead.
Help us to spread the joy of Easter to others.
In the name of Jesus we pray.
Opening Life Reflection
The egg is a popular symbol of new life during the Easter season. Begin today’s session with a paper egg project. Provide tissue paper in a variety of colors, glue, and half sheets of construction paper for each child. Invite the children to tear small pieces of tissue paper to fit on the paper. The pieces do not have to be the same size. Then have them glue the torn pieces of tissue paper in colorful rows across the page. When complete, the entire half sheet of paper should be covered with rows of colorful torn tissue paper. The final step is to cut the half sheet of paper into an oval shape to create a colorful egg. Discuss:
- Why is the egg a sign of new life?
- What do we celebrate on Easter?
- Why is Easter a joyful time?
Allow time for discussion. Easter is a day to rejoice because God raised Jesus from the dead. We thank God for the new life of Easter.
Listening to the Word of God
In today’s gospel Mary visits the tomb of Jesus very early in the morning. Listen to find out what she discovers.
Read John 20:1-9.
Allow for silence.
Scripture Discussion Starters
- What time of day does Mary go visit the tomb?
- What does Mary see?
- Who does Mary run and tell about her discovery?
- After Mary’s news, which disciple arrives at the tomb first?
- What do they find out?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the gospel using the Catechist Background section.
Today’s gospel tells the story of the resurrection. We hear that it is very early, before dawn when Mary Magdalene visits the tomb. When she finds it empty, Mary runs off to tell Simon Peter and the other disciples that the Lord has been taken. The disciples did not yet understand that Jesus was raised from the dead.
Peter and another disciple go to Jesus’ tomb. When they both enter the tomb, it is the beloved disciple who believes that Jesus has been raised from the dead. The beloved disciple comes to believe quickly because of his love for Jesus.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- Where do you hear the good news about the resurrection of Jesus?
- How can you tell others the good news about Jesus?
- How can you thank God for the gift of new life?
If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
“On the third day he rose again, in fulfillment of the scriptures…”
The resurrection of Jesus reveals God’s great love for us. That powerful Divine love did not end with the death of Jesus on the cross. Rather, God broke the chains of death forever and raised Jesus to new life. The resurrected Jesus is present with us even now. His light shines throughout the world.
We believe that God raised Jesus from death to new life. The first disciples gradually came to understand that Jesus was raised from the dead, and in understanding that, they were willing to suffer and die in order to tell the good news of the resurrection.
- How can you share God’s great love with others?
- How do you celebrate Easter?
- How can you bring the joy of Easter to others?
The Gospel in Life
How can you spread the joy of Easter at home, at school and with your friends?
Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, Theme 27
Kindergarten, pp. 169-170
Grade 1, chapter 5 and p. 267 Parish and p. 371 School
Grade 2, chapter 7 and p. 267 Parish and p. 371 School
Grade 3, chapter 6 and p. 267 Parish and p. 371 School
Blest Are We
Kindergarten, chapter 18
Grade 1, chapter 9
Grade 2, chapter 13
Grade 3, chapter 10