Primary Session
John 18:33-37
Opening Prayer
Let us pray.
Jesus our Lord, your love is powerful and everlasting.
Thank you for always loving us and caring for us.
In your name we pray. Amen.
Opening Life Reflection
The main image for today is that of king. Begin the session with a crown making activity. Provide the children with strips of poster board paper cut to a size that will fit around their heads. Pre-cut a slit on one side of each strip, so that the crown can close around the back of the head. Provide crayons and allow the children to decorate the crowns.
Explain that the session today will focus on Christ the King. Invite the children to reflect on the role of a king. It may help to ask if they have seen such movies as The Lion King or Anna andthe King. Discuss:
- What is the role of a king?
- What are the qualities of a good king?
- Today in our Church we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. What does the image of Christ as king mean to you?
On the Feast of Christ the King the Church celebrates that Christ is ruler of all. The love and care that Christ has for us is everlasting and all-powerful.
Listening to the Word of God
In the gospel reading Jesus tells us that his kingdom is not of this world. Listen to find out where Jesus is king.
Read John 18:33-37.
Allow for silence.
- What does Pilate ask Jesus?
- How does Jesus answer Pilate?
- Where does Jesus say he is king?
Scripture Background
Provide 2-3 minutes of background information on the gospel using the Catechists Background section.
In today’s gospel reading Pilate asks Jesus if he is “King of the Jews.” Jesus answers, “My Kingdom does not belong to this world.” This confuses Pilate because he is trying to find out who Jesus really is. Jesus reveals the truth that his kingdom belongs to God. The gospel reading today reveals that Jesus is both human and divine.
Jesus has absolute power in the kingdom of God. Therefore, we can always count on Jesus to be there for us. We can turn all our troubles over to Jesus with confidence that our prayers are heard. We can rely on the power of Christ’s love.
Today’s gospel reading makes clear that Jesus came into the world to save us and to bring about the kingdom of God on earth. It also tells us that in the kingdom of God, Christ is ruler of all.
Questions for Deeper Reflection
- What qualities of a king does Jesus have?
- How do you rely on the love of Christ to help you?
- How can you bring the love of Christ to those around you?
If you are not going to continue with the doctrinal discussion, proceed to the Gospel in Life.
Doctrinal Discussion Starters
Christ the King
The feast of Christ the King is celebrated in the Church on this last Sunday of the liturgical year. On this feast we recognize and honor Christ as ruler of all.
Christ is ruler of all in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God exists wherever love is present in the world. Therefore the kingdom of God is already among us. However, when we see and experience the suffering and evil that exists in the world we realize that the kingdom of God is not yet here completely. The saving action of Christ continues throughout the world until the reign of God is here in full.
All people are welcome in the kingdom of God. Every person is included. No one is excluded, except those who exclude themselves. In the kingdom of God where Christ rules, people of every color and race are valued. The kingdom especially belongs to those who are poor and lowly.
- Can you give some examples of where the love of Christ is needed most in the world?
- Where do you see signs that the kingdom of God already exists in the world?
- What can you do to help bring God’s love into the world?
- How can you welcome people who are different from you?
The Gospel in Life
This week welcome someone new. Invite someone who may need a friend to eat lunch with you.
Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, theme 11
Kindergarten, p. 159
Grade 1, chapter 10
Grade 2, p. 237
Grade 3, chapter 11