Lectionary: 68
Read the Gospel: Mark 1:14-20
Gospel Summary
Jesus continues to call disciples to come and follow him. Simon and Andrew left their nets to follow him. James and John left their nets, their father, and their hired men to follow him. Jesus’ presence and Jesus’ words moved these men to leave everything behind, even though they did not fully understand that to which they were being called.
Reflection for Parents
In Catholic parishes throughout the world we continue to see in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) children, youth, and adults who are answering the call to follow Jesus. They come to the Church curious about who Jesus is, what he teaches, and what following him means in their daily lives. We are a part of the community that encourages and guides them on their journey of conversion. But conversion, the turning of our minds and our hearts and our lives to God, is something we are all called to. Today is a good day to think about where we need to turn to or turn back to God. What do we hear him calling us to do? To change? To be?
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Lead a fun discussion about all the things each family member did today. Conclude by saying (in an exaggerated tone), “Whew! We were busy!” Then invite family members to think about where—in all the busyness—they took time to listen to the voice of Jesus. When did they pray? How did they serve him by helping or serving someone else? Challenge family members to take extra time for Jesus each day in the coming week. You may wish to make this a point of sharing each evening at dinnertime or at bedtime.
Discussion Starters
- To me, following Jesus means . . .
- Something I would find hard to leave behind to follow Jesus is . . .
because . . .
- One way I can be a fisher of men is . . .