Lectionary: 9C
Read: Luke 3:10-18
Gospel Summary
In today’s Gospel reading, those in the crowd, tax collectors, and soldiers all ask John the Baptist what they should do. In each response, and according to each group’s circumstance, John emphasizes keeping or taking only what is needed or prescribed. John also makes it clear to all that the Christ for whom they have been waiting is yet to come.
Reflection for Parents
This Gospel highlights several Christian values that are learned in the home—generosity, fairness, truthfulness, and contentment with what you have. Take some time today to think about each of these values. How are your children learning these values through your example? How can you make these values more a part of your family life as Christmas nears?
Bringing the Good News Into Your Family
At this halfway point in Advent, choose as a family one way you can share what you have with others. Perhaps you can donate gently used coats and sweaters or new hats and mittens to a local shelter. If your parish food pantry is in need of donations, go grocery shopping and help meet the need for food. If you are a musically gifted family, plan to carol in your neighborhood or at a local care facility.
Discussion Starters
- Something that I have more than enough of is . . .
- I can share the extra that I have with . . .
- Something that is hard for me to share is . . .