Lectionary: 18
Read the Gospel: Luke 2:16-21
Gospel Summary
The shepherds traveled to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and Jesus lying in the manger. Those who heard the account of what the shepherds had heard and seen were amazed. Mary kept the words of the shepherds in her heart, and reflected on them. Eight days later, Mary and Joseph took the infant to the Temple for his circumcision, and he was named Jesus, just as the angel had foretold.
Reflection for Parents
When we first hold our children in our arms, we wonder so many things about them. What will their growing-up years be like? Who will they become? What will they do with their lives? Like Mary, we hold these things in our hearts—even when our children are grown and gone from home. What can we learn from our Mother, Mary? She trusted, though not fully understanding. Like her, we do not know our future or the future of our children. What we do know is that God loves us enough and wants us to share in the kingdom enough that he gave us his Only-Begotten Son.
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Today is a wonderful day to honor our mothers and the many women in our lives who have watched over us, worried about us, cared for us, and prayed for us. Invite family members to join in a time of writing and/or drawing thanks to the special women who come to mind. Be sure that each letter or drawing tells or shows why that woman is special to someone in your family. Take time in the coming week to hand-deliver or to mail the notes and drawings.
Discussion Starters
- The woman I wrote or drew about is . . . because . . .
- Something I would like to thank and praise God for is . . .
- Something I am holding in my heart is . . .