Lectionary: 82
Read Sunday’s Gospel: Matthew 6:24-34
Gospel Summary
Matthew’s Gospel this week continues the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus encourages his disciples to notice how the Father cares for even the smallest of creatures, and assures them that their heavenly Father provides even more for their needs.
Reflection for Parents
It is easy to think that the adult members of a family are the ones who bear the greatest share of anxieties and concerns. But children and youth bear their share of anxieties, too. Will they fit in at a new school, in a new neighborhood, on a new team? Will they pass the homework assignment, the test, or the year-end exam? In the spirit of the Gospel, they worry about basic things such as clothing and food, too. Listening carefully to what our children are saying about their day and their interactions with others, and creating an environment of open and honest communication do much create a spirit of God’s peace and care in the home.
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Place a bowl on the family table, along with several strips of paper and a pencil or pen. Invite family members to write down things they are worried about, and to place their worries in the “worry bowl” all through the coming week. As the family gathers, pray: God of peace, we place before you all the things we are worried about. Thank you for caring for our every need. Amen."
Discussion Starters
- Something I am worried about today is ...
- God shows his care for me by ...
- This week I will show God’s care for others by ...