Lectionary: 56B
Read the Gospel: John 15:9-17
Gospel Summary
Today’s Gospel reading paints a picture of a complete circle of love. God the Father loved his Son, Jesus. Jesus loves his disciples. Jesus’ disciples, including each of us, love others. We are a part of this circle of love because God has chosen us to be a part of it.
Reflection for Parents
The daily demands of family, home, and jobs make life very full and busy. But we need to answer Jesus’ invitation to widen the circle of love by caring for others and sharing with them the Good News of the Gospel. When our children see us taking time to reach out to others in need of God’s love and our love too, they come to know firsthand what it means to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Take some quiet time to think about those you could reach out to and draw into the circle of God’s love. Invite your family to join you in the effort to love others in the way that Jesus loves you.
Bringing the Good News Into Your Family
In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks us to love others the way he has loved and continues to love us. It is easy to love those who love us in return. But what about those we find to be difficult to love? Invite family members to quietly think about those persons in their lives. Then, without naming names, brainstorm ways to show Jesus’ love to those who are difficult to love. Encourage each family member to put at least one idea into action in the coming week.
Discussion Starters
1. One person who always makes me feel loved and welcomed is . . .
2. One person I know who needs to be invited into the circle of God’s love is . . .
3. One thing I can do to remain in God’s love is . . .