Read Sunday’s Gospel, John 17:20-26.
Gospel Summary
Jesus prays a prayer at the end of the Last Supper. In other Sundays during this Easter Season, we have seen the beginning and middle part of this prayer where Jesus prays first for himself and then for his disciples. In the final part of the prayer that we read today, Jesus prayed for all of us, that is, those disciples who would follow for all time. In his prayer, Jesus prayed for unity for future disciples and all the Church, and that all believers for all time would know God’s love in the same way Jesus knew it.
Reflection for Families
Jesus assures us in this Gospel reading that we belong to God’s family. Parents work hard to help their children know that they are loved and valued as members of their families. Parents are a living example of God’s love when their children see how parents treat them and others and how parents forgive one another. It is this acceptance and living unity that shows children the love God has for Jesus, his Son, and all of us, his children.
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Create a family tree. By looking at the illustration, your family will easily recognize what it is that unifies your family through its heritage. Next to the names of the people on the family tree, put down qualities or things you know or have heard about those people. When you have finished, see if there are any other ways you notice that your family is unified other than biologically.
Discussion Starters
- We have a long way to go, but I see unity in all believers when . . .
- One way that I show others God’s love is . . .
- As a follower of Jesus, I have continued the work of the first disciples when I . . .
Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, theme 27
Kindergarten, chapter 13
Grade 1, page 279 Parish and page 383 School
Grade 2, page 279 Parish and page 383 School
Grade 3, page 279 Parish and page 383 School
Grade 4, page 279 Parish and page 383 School
Grade 5, page 279 Parish and page 383 School
Grade 6, page 279 Parish and page 383 School