Lectionary: 64
Read Sunday’s Gospel: John 1:29-34
Gospel Summary
John the Baptist knew Jesus as his cousin, but it is not clear until we read today’s Gospel that John recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah. John called Jesus the “Lamb of God.” We are familiar with the title for Jesus, “Lamb of God,” because we hear it in our Eucharistic prayers during mass. The Lamb of God comes to take away the sins of the world. And, indeed, Jesus died that we might be free of our sins. The lamb figured in much of Jewish tradition, especially as a symbol of sacrifice, but certainly we recognize the image of “shepherd” as one who leads the flock through darkness and difficult terrain. The message of John’s gospel is for us—the simple sheep—to follow Jesus, the shepherd.
Reflection for Families
As parents we certainly can understand the image of Jesus as “shepherd.” We are constantly leading the way for our children and serving them with endless love. When they are sick or hurt, we would gladly take their pain and suffering if we could. It is clearly through these feelings that we begin to understand just what Jesus has done for us. As parents, when we show our unending love for our children, they too get an inkling of what Jesus’ love is for them as well.
Bringing the Gospel into Your Family
Help children understand the roots of “Lamb of God” in our Catholic liturgy. As a family pray together the “Lamb of God” from the mass.
Discussion Starters
- I know I witnessed the love of Jesus to my children when . . .
- I see the Spirit is alive in our family because . . .
- Like John, I didn’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah until . . .
Connecting to Faith First® Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, theme 3
Kindergarten, chapters 11, 13, 14
Grade 1, chapter 3
Grade 2, chapter 5
Grade 3, chapter 5
Grade 4, chapters 6, 9 and 10
Grade 5, chapters 4 and 6
Grade 6, chapter 25
Junior High, Mystery of God, chapter 4
Junior High, Jesus in the New Testament, chapters 8 and 10