Lectionary: 22
Read Sunday's Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11
Gospel Summary
Following his baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus went out to the desert to pray and understand God's will. He was alone in the desert for 40 days and nights. Satan waited until Jesus emerged from the desert before tempting Jesus to use his powers. Of course, Jesus was hungry after fasting for 40 days, so the devil tempted him first with food. "Command these stones to become loaves of bread," was the first dare. Later the devil tempted Jesus to use his power to prove that God would send angels to help Jesus if he jumped from the top of the temple. Finally, Satan offered Jesus the glory and power of all the world if he would but worship Satan. To each temptation, Jesus held fast to what he knew was God's will for him.
Reflection for Families
One of our primary goals as parents is to help our children discover their gifts and use them generously in a way that glorifies God. From a very early age we can remind our children of the source of their gifts and encourage them to use them humbly.
Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family
There are many opportunities in the media for your family to recognize the gifts of other people. There are movie and television stars, musicians, entertainers, and sports figures to name a few. As you watch television, listen to songs and observe these figures, discuss as a family what the gifts of these people are. Consider today's Gospel story and share ideas about how these people are following God's will (or how they might avoid temptations by Satan). Compare how they use their gifts with the way others (such as teachers, grandparents, etc.) use their gifts.
Discussion Starters
1. One time I remember being tempted to use my gifts for the wrong purposes . . .
2. I need to take some time away to be with God like Jesus did. This is my plan . . .
3. Jesus knew the angels would protect him. I was protected, too, when . . .
Connection to Faith First© Legacy Edition
At Home Family Guide, theme 26
Kindergarten, page 165
Grade 1, page 251 parish and page 359 school
Grade 2, page 251 parish and page 359 school
Grade 3, page 251 parish and page 359 school
Grade 4, page 251 parish and page 359 school
Grade 5, page 251 parish and page 359 school
Grade 6, page 251 parish and page 359 school
Connection to Faith First©
At Home Family Guide, theme 26
Kindergarten, page 165
Grade 1, page 238
Grade 2, page 290
Grade 3, page 290
Grade 4, page 290
Grade 5, page 290
Grade 6, page 290
Junior High, Creed and Prayer, page 321
Junior High, Liturgy and Morality, page 321